Book a Massage


Swedish Relaxation Massage

By relieving muscle tension, Swedish therapy can be both relaxing and energizing. It can also reduce chronic pain, fatigue and joint stiffness. Massage utilizes essential oils like lavender, peppermint, chamomile, sweet orange, and sweet birch.

Therapeutic Deep Tissue Massage

Therapeutic deep tissue massage includes a variety of techniques designed to ease pain and help injury recovery, often combining deep tissue and myofascial massage. Massage utilizes essential oils like lavender, peppermint, chamomile, sweet orange, and sweet birch.

30 Minute Foot Reflexology Massage

Indulge and relax with a thirty minute foot massage and exfoliation with your choice of either a sugar or salt scrub and peppermint essential oil for rejuvenation. If you are on your feet all day, this is the perfect way to unwind and recharge.

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